2: Lego Lab


In today's lab, we were tasked with creating a moving object by utilizing the WeDo 2.0 Lego Kits. However, in order for the object to move, I had to sync my motor box with the WeDo 2.0 app and put the proper code in. The item I chose to build from the website was the cooling fan. The actual process of the build was fairly easy. If an elementary student were to be tasked with building the fan, they would simply follow the instructions pictures. The harder part was figuring out how to get the fan to work. After some searching around, the class figured out that you must download the WeDo 2.0 app. The downside is the app is only compatible with Windows applications and Ipads. Overall, the lab was extremely fun! I think from an educator's standpoint, the best part is that the lab can be manipulated so that every age group and grade can participate. 

 Step by Step Process 

Step 1 - Click the link. Once on the website, click 'Go to product page'. Scroll down until you see 'Fun and engaging components' and then click learn more. Then click "View building instructions". Finally, choose the object you would like to build. Watch this video for a how-to!

Step 2 - Once you have downloaded the instructions, simply follow the pictures. If you would like to follow the cooling fan instructions, click this link. You will need to place batteries in the motor box, or the lego piece with a green button. After building the product, click this link and download the app. 

Step 3 - Once you have downloaded the app, navigate to the connection portion. To connect your device, you must hold the motor box button down until it stays lit up and the name shows up under the 'Choose smarthub tab'. Once it is connected, you are now free to create your own code. There are several options and ways to code your item, so be creative and most importantly have fun!

                How to Connect.
              My Cooling Fan Code. 


Here is the Finished Product!

 ISTE CT Standards 

1c) Leverage CT and CS experts, resources, and professional learning networks to continuously improve practice integrating CT across content areas.
4d) Create CS and CT learning environments that value and encourage varied viewpoints, student agency, creativity, engagement, joy, and fun. 
5b) Empower students to select personally meaningful computational projects. 

 Additional Links For Educators 


  1. Hello Aleksandra! Great job on your cooling fan and your codes! I had a great time exploring together Lego Education and how to use the WeDo 2.0 lego kit. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to see my classmates see meaning and have joy in their creations. I appreciate you giving my advice on what ISTE standard we accomplished today while doing the WeDo 2.0 lab. After reflecting on the lab, I can really see how 4d really fits on what we accomplished. I also love how we were able to practice CT and CS learning and take appreciation on what we created!

  2. Hello Aleksandra! You did a really good job organizing your blog and, putting the stops, and having all the applicable ISTE standards. I had a fun exploring and playing around with the Lego WeDo 2.0 kit. I think its cool that you even decided to incorporate the 4d ISTE standard because I never thought about incorporating it as well into my blog! I didn't get to connect my cooling fan with the app due to having a Macbook. Hopefully next lab I will be able to connect and expand more information onto my blog.

  3. Hello,

    Your blog is organized very well and has great ISTE standards associated with it. Great job!


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