4: Introductory DroneBlocks Curriculum

 Launching Tello DroneBlocks 

1.    Open DroneBlocks app

2.    Select “Tello Blocks” by clicking the hamburger icon (blue icon with three blue lines)

3.    Begin creating mission by dragging coding blocks


o   Represents the start of the mission

o   First coding command


o   Fly commands (fly & yaw) located in this tab

o   Fly: forward, right, backward, and left the desired number of units

o   Yaw: rotate right or left the desired number of degrees


o   Commands Tello to perform a flip forward, backward, left, or right


o   Repeat a sequence of instructions until a condition is met

o   Loop command is known as the “repeat” block because it commands Tello to repeat an action a desired amount of times

o   Useful way to simplify a code and ensure a proper sequence is being executed


o   Adds intelligence to the code by using if, else if, else logic

o   If/else block (if-do-else)


o   Allow inputs to flexibly change while code is executing

o   Make the code more manageable


o   Commands Tello to land in the location desired

o   Final coding command

 Launching the Mission 

1.    Power on Tello

2.    Place on a flat surface indoors

3.    Double tap home button

4.    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi

5.    Tap on Tello, which will create a hotspot similar to: Tello-XXXXXX

6.    Return to DroneBlocks by double tapping home button

7.    Click “Connect to Tello”

8.    Click hamburger icon (blue icon with three lines)

9.    Click “Launch Mission”

 LINK to DroneBlock Curriculum 

 ISTE CT Standards 

1b) Learn to recognize where and how computation can be used to enrich data or content to solve discipline-specific problems and be able to connect these opportunities to foundational CT practices and CS concepts. 
1c) Leverage CT and CS experts, resources, and professional learning networks to continuously improve practice integrating CT across content areas.
4c) Guide students on the importance of diverse perspectives and human-centered design in developing computational artifacts with broad accessibility and usability.
5d) Establish criteria for evaluating CT practices and content learning that use a variety of formative and alternative assessments to enable students to demonstrate their understanding of age-appropriate CS and CT vocabulary practices and concepts. 


  1. First off, I love the design of your blog! I also like how easy your directions are to follow when setting up the Lego kits. However, it might be helpful to include a few pictures along with your directions. I agree this standard connects by allowing students to learn how to problem solve with new and unfamiliar equipment.

  2. Hello,

    The layout of your blog looks lovely. It is easy to follow and has a nice flow. The centered text helps separate the different section. I would include some pictures, screencasts, or some of the codes used to help readers of the blog see what is happening and have something to reference if they try it as well. Some standards you can add are 1c,1d, 1e, or 2a.


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