6: Portfolio 3 - MT Notes

Below, you will find more information about CT and CS concepts. We were tasked with creating notes on two computational concepts provided for us. Once you read the notes, there will be a video and Kahoot link to view. The video is the youtube video I watched to form these notes. The Kahoot is the game/information I created for teachers and students. 

 Computational Thinking 
  • Something people do because computational thinking includes the ability to do the following. 
    • think logically and algorithmically 
    • recognize problems  
    • break problems apart 
  • Four concepts of computational thinking
    • decomposition 
    • pattern recognition 
    • abstraction 
    • algorithms 
  • Decomposition: breaking apart problems or a big idea into smaller pieces or steps 
    • baking/cooking
    • math problems 
    • puzzle 
  • Pattern Recognition: finding similarities between things
    • pairing socks while folding laundry 
    • purchasing a new car 
    • school subjects 
  • Abstraction: to capture the importance of a system, idea, or structure while generalizing trends into rules, principles, and insights without worrying too much about details
    • maps
    • driving a car 
    • design floor plan 
  • Algorithms: sequence of instructions inputted to receive an intended outcome 
    • any form of an electrical device (microwave, oven, phone, computer, tv, dishwasher) 
    • math 
    • GPS 
  • Pair Programming: technique used where two developers work together, one as the programmer or navigator and the other as the driver, to effectively create a program or code in a faster manner  
  • Debugging: process of identifying and removing errors from software 
Video Link 

  • Sequence of symbols or items inputted to solve a problem or receive an intended outcome 
  • Programming is more than just coding. It is the following 
    • think 
    • structure the problem 
    • write the code 
    • fix the problem 
  • There are many programming languages with thousands of codes because different software solves particular types of problems 
    • Python 
    • Java Script 
    • Unity 
    • C#
    • Scratch 
    • Logo 
  • Loops: sequence of instruction continuously repeated until the desired outcome is achieved 
    • used to simplify code 
    • each repetition of code is known as an iteration 
  • The following form the basis of all programming languages 
    • selection 
    • iteration 
    • sequence 
  • High-level programming software 
    • Rubi 
    • easier for humans to read and write 
    • lines of code previously programmed to hide all complexities 
  • Low-level programming software 
    • Assembly 
    • close to the hardware of the computer 
    • fast but harder to read, write, and understand 

ISTE CT Standard 

5a) Evaluate and use CS and CT curricula, resources, and tools that account for learner variability to meet the needs of all students.


  1. Hello,

    For this blog, you may need to provide more background information about what this is about and a link to the website you gathered this information from. The links may need to be a different color or standout more because it can be overlooked at a glance.


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